Whether you’re interested in becoming a professional web developer or you simply want to learn more about how websites work, the first thing you need to study is HTML. HTML is the standard language that is used for creating webpages and web applications. Every time you access a website, a server sends an HTML file to your computer and your browser interprets and displays the information included in that file. In fact, all the information you are reading now is simply data that has been stored in an HTML file and sent to your browser

What Is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, which can be a confusing term for many beginners. The best way to explain HTML is to examine the meaning of each word.
HyperText refers to text that contains links to other texts. Every time you click on a highlighted or underlined link that takes you to another page, you are using hypertext. As more and more pages use hypertext to link to each other, a “web” of pages starts to form. This is where we get the term World Wide Web.

Markup refers to the special symbols or codes that are inserted into a document to tell the web browser how to display the document data. For example, markup code may tell the browser to display a phrase in bold or italic text, or may tell the browser which parts of the document are headings and which are paragraphs. HTML is just one of a number of languages that uses markup code.

Language refers to the idea that the code is standardized. Just like regular spoken languages, there are certain rules that everyone must follow when writing HTML. This is so that all browsers can understand and interpret the code. There are many different programming languages, and you may have heard of some of the popular ones such as Java, Python and Ruby. Each language has its own unique set of rules, and many languages can be used in combination with HTML to create amazing webpages and applications.

If we put these three definitions together, we could say that HTML is “a programming language that uses unique code which allows you to display linked documents in a browser”.

How does HTML relate to other Programming language?

If you’ve done any research on web development and design, you’ve probably come across articles or guides that mention CSS and JavaScript. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the three main languages that are used to create most webpages. Each of the languages has a different function and each has different rules, but they all work together to give webpages content, design and functionality. HTML is the foundation of any site. The HTML code contains the site’s basic structure and content, which includes all the text, links, tables, links to images and other such elements.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to define the design of the page, including things like the size of each element and how it looks. With CSS, you can set things like the style of the font you are using, the background color of the page, and the width of the border around elements on the page.

JavaScript is a more complex language that is used to create interactive elements on your page. When you hover your mouse over an image on a website and the image morphs or changes, that’s JavaScript editing your original HTML code. When you click on a product on a shopping website and your shopping cart automatically updates, that’s JavaScript too. CSS and JavaScript can add design and functionality to a site, but without HTML, you won’t have a site to begin with. In fact, most sites will still display HTML data even if the CSS and JavaScript code is broken.